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The Pelagic birds gathering at Mumbai dock

By :Amol Lopes 0 comments
The Pelagic birds gathering at Mumbai dock
Illustration: Evan Lopes
Story: Amol
One rainy morning in Mumbai, a special event occurred at the coastal dock. The sea was bright in the morning, with birds at the Mumbai Sasoon dock. . Birders were thrilled to see Arctic Tern, Lesser and Brown Noddies, Masked Booby, White-cheeked Tern, Lesser Frigatebirds, and Arctic Skua, who had been pushed off course by the storms and ended up far from their usual homes.
As the birders ticked their lifers and the sun climbed higher, the birds began to talk among themselves.
Common Tern: "Look at them, all these sapiens pointing expensive cameras at us. Do they think we’re a new kind of treasure?. "
Arctic Tern : Well, I think we’ve landed in the middle of a bird-watching party!. if they’re going to stare at us like we’re celebrities, let’s give them a show.
The terns flitted around, performing their best aerial tricks. Arctic Tern dived and glided with elegance, White-Cheeked Tern flashed its grey rump, and Common Tern showed off its bright white rump. The birders were thrilled, snapping away with delight.
“Did you see how they’re comparing our photos?” common Tern said, preening its feathers.
“Yes, and they’re using the tiniest details to tell the difference !” White-Cheeked Tern added with a chuckle. “I heard one of them mention my long beak and grey rump. Who knew we were so fascinating?”
Bridled tern flapped its wings . “It’s funny, isn’t it? They can spot the difference between a White-Cheeked and a Common Tern just from their beaks and rumps!”
Arctic Tern nodded. “Well, let’s enjoy our time here. These humans seem nice enough, and they’re certainly giving us a lot of attention. It’s not every day we get to be the stars of a bird-watching show!”
Just then, a gentle rain began to fall, adding a soft shine to the scene. The terns looked at each other and smiled. “Let’s make the best of this unexpected adventure,” White-Cheeked Tern suggested. “After all, we’ve got an awesome audience!”
As they glided and soared, the birders clicked countless photos, eagerly sharing their best shots in a popular Facebook birding group. “We’ve got a real mix of terns here,” one birder wrote, posting a series of images. “Can anyone help with IDs?”
Within fraction of time, experts Killian Mullarney and Dougal Bell were on the case. They responded with the kind of detailed analysis that made the terns simle. Killian commented, “Great photos! Notice the Arctic Tern’s shorter beak and long tail streamers. The White-Cheeked Tern’s grey rump and slightly longer downside bill are key identifiers, while the Common Tern’s white rump and log bill make it easy to spot.”
Dougal Bell added, “And don’t forget the Lesser Frigatebird’s distinctive forked tail and the Lesser Noddy’s dark plumage and white forehead! It’s amazing how each of these features tells a part of their story.”
The terns overheard these comments and were amused. “Can you believe how closely they’re analyzing us?” White-Cheeked Tern said, preening. “It’s like they have a tern-ometer or something😊!”
Common Tern laughed. “I didn’t realize our beaks and rumps were so important. But it’s nice to know they’re taking the time to appreciate our unique features.”
Arctic Tern said thoughtfully, “I heard them talking about us being thrown here by the wind and strom. It’s a shame, really.”
White-Cheeked Tern sighed. “Yes, they seem worried that we might not make it back to our home.”
Lesser Noddy: "I feel like a star of Elephanta, but my wings are tired from the journey. I miss the crisp, clear skies of the deep ocean."
Masked Booby: "The fish here is abundant, but the saltwater feels so different. I wonder how long we'll stay. I am missing my favorite food squid and octopi.
White-cheeked Tern: "It’s wonderful to see so many of us together, but something doesn’t feel right. I miss the familiar winds of the ocean."
Lesser Frigatebird: "We should be soaring over wide seas, not this Sasoon dock and Nariman point area. The fishermen’s boats might offer an easy meal, but this isn’t where we belong."
Arctic Skua: "I see the worry in everyone's eyes. The storm that brought us here might have changed our course forever."
As they voiced their worries, a gentle breeze floated through the flock, taking their whispered fears with it.
Arctic Tern: "We must find a way back to our true home. The deep and the endless sea are where we belong. It’s where we can truly be free."
Lesser Noddy: "But how? The storm was fierce, and our sense of direction is lost."
Masked Booby: "Perhaps, if we stick together and rest, we’ll regain our strength and find our way. The skies may clear, and we’ll see the path home again."
The White-cheeked Tern gazed at the horizon, "We must hope that the winds will guide us, just as they did when we first set out."
Despite their worries, the birds knew they had to stay hopeful. They spent the day resting, eating what they could, and sharing stories of their distant homes. The birders were pleased with their sightings and lifers but saw the birds were unsettled.
As the sun set, the birders packed up their gear, feeling a bit sad. They had seen a brief moment of natural beauty and understood the struggles of the birds.
Under the starry sky, the birds rested quietly, dreaming of the open ocean where the winds would guide them home. Despite the uncertain journey ahead, their spirits were high.
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